Water Ecosystems Tool


WET模型是由奥胡斯大学湖泊生态组开发的湖泊生态模型。该模型以湖泊富营养化和生态修复过程的二位稳态转化理论为基础,在前身PCLake的基础上,进行结构重组,通过FABM平台(fabm.net)与不同的水动力模型结合。WET在FABM-PCLake的基础上融合了其他水生态模型(CAEDYM, Ecopaht等)等优点,并将模型组分进行模块化,目前可以定义任意种类的藻类(原3种)、浮游动物(原1种)、鱼类(原3种)。WET一维模型与GOTM(gotm.net)结合已经非常稳定成熟,三维GETM(getm.eu)已经完成开发,正在调试中。


(1)QWET (formerly known as WET) was originally developed by: Nielsen, A., Bolding, K., Hu, F. and Trolle, D. 2017. The original publication on the concept of WET was published in Environmental Modelling and Software.

Nielsen, A., Bolding, K., Hu, F. and Trolle, D. 2017. An open source QGIS-based workflow for model application and experimentation with aquatic ecosystems. Environmental Modelling and Software 95: 358-364.

(2)The aquatic ecosystem core of QWET is the WET model. The WET is based on FABM-PCLake, which was developed by Hu et al. 2016, and can be cited as:

Hu, F., Bolding, K., Bruggeman, J., Jeppesen, E., Flindt, M. R., van Gerven, L., Janse, J. H., Janssen, A. B. G., Kuiper, J. J., Mooij, W. M., and Trolle, D. 2016. FABM-PCLake – linking aquatic ecology with hydrodynamics. Geoscientific Model Development 9: 2271-2278.

(3)SWAT2lake - An associated tool to QWET to tailor watershed delineations with SWAT to lake and reservoir waterbodies can be found here:

Molina-Navarro, E., Nielsen, A., Trolle, D. 2018. A QGIS plugin to tailor SWAT watershed delineations to lake and reservoir waterbodies. Environmental Modelling & Software 108: 87-71.

(4)An case of model use, you can find here:

Dennis, Trolle., Anders,Nielsen., Hans, E.Andersen., Hans, Thodsena., Jørgen, E.Olesen., Christen,D.Børgesen., Jens, Chr.Refsgaard., Torben, O.Sonnenborg., Ida, B.Karlsson.,Jesper, P.Christensen., Stiig, Markager., Erik, Jeppesen. 2019. Effects of changesin land use and climate on aquatic ecosystems: Coupling of models anddecomposition of uncertainties. Science of the Total Environment. 657, 627-633.

(5)Lake case depends on the WET model, you can find here:

Tobias, kuhlmann, Andersen.,Anders, Nielsen., Erik, Jeppesen., Fenjuan, Hu., Karsten, Bolding., Zhengwen,Liu., Martin, Søndergaard., Liselotte, S.Johansson., Dennis, Trolle. 2020.Predicting ecosystem state changes in shallow lakes using an aquatic ecosystemmodel: Lake Hinge, Denmark, an example. Ecological Applications. 30(7), e02160.

(6)Some softwares and plugins introduction, you can cited as:

Anders, Nielsen., Fenjuan,rose, schmidt, Hu., Nicolas, azaña, Schnedler.Meyer., Karsten, Bolding.,Tobias, kuhlmann, Andersen., Dennis, Trolle. 2021. Introducing QWET -- AQGIS-plugin for application, evaluation and experimentation with the WET model.Environmental Modelling & Software. 135, 104886.

(7)Sensitivity analysis, you can cited as:

Tobias, kuhlmann, Andersen.,Karsten, Bolding., Anders, Nielsena., Jorn, Bruggemand., Erik, Jeppesen.,Dennis, Trolle. 2021. How morphology shapes the parameter sensitivity of lakeecosystem models. Environmental Modelling & Software. 136, 104945.

Please cite these relevant publication when using WET:(如果使用WET模型请引用这些相关文章)


Statement:this website isfor public welfare and academic communications only. Aimingat improving the convenience of application and communication of chinese WETusers. And, the intellectual property of WET model belongs to the lakegroup of Department ofEcoscience, AarhusUniversity. The intellectual property of GOTM belongs to the GOTM developers and the intellectual property of FABM belongs to Bolding & Bruggeman.


Acknoledgement:Thanks to the lake group of Departmentof Ecoscience, Aarhus University for providing WET model support for thepresent study.
