1 水体非生物模块(abiotic_water)
1)inorg. matter in water [mgD/l/s]
dDIMW = - tDSetIM +tDResusIM+uDErosIMW
=– settling +resuspension+erosion
2) detritus in water [mgD/l/s]
dDDetW =- tDSetDet + tDResusDet(-wDMinDetW ) [+ wDMortPhytW ] <+ tDMortVegW> {-wDConsDetZoo +wDEgesZoo + wDMortZoo} <+ tDEgesFish + tDMortFishDet +tDEgesPisc +tDMortPiscDet>
3) detritus in water [mgP/l/s]
dPDetW = - tPSetDet + tPResusDet(-wPMinDetW) [+ wPMortPhytDetW] <+ tPMortVegDetW> {-wPConsDetZoo +wPEgesZooDet + wPMortZooDet} <+ tPEgesFishDet + tPMortFishDet +tPEgesPiscDet+ tPMortPiscDet>
4) detritus in water [mgN/l/s]
dNDetW =- tNSetDet + tNResusDet(-wNMinDetW) [+ wNMortPhytDetW] <+ tNMortVegDetW> {-wNConsDetZoo +wNEgesZooDet + wNMortZooDet} <+ tNEgesFishDet + tNMortFishDet+ tNEgesPiscDet+ tNMortPiscDet>
= - settling + resuspension(- mineralisation) [+ algal mortality] <+ part of macrophyte mortality inwater> {– zooplankton detritus consumption +zooplankton egestion andmortality} <+ whitefish egestion and mortality + egestion andmortality>
5) detritus [mgSi/ l/s]
dSiDetW = - tSiSetDet + tSiResusDet(- wSiMinDetW) [+ wSiMortDiatW] {+ wSiConsDiatZoo}
= - settling + resuspension(– mineralisation) [+ diatoms mortality] {+zooplankton diatoms consumption}
6) PO4 in water [mgP/l/s]
dPO4W = (wPMinDetW - wPSorpIMW + tPDifPO4) + tPResusPO4 [- wPUptPhyt + wPExcrPhytW +wPMortPhytPO4W] <- tPUptVegW + tPExcrVegW + tPMortVegPO4W> {+ wPExcrZoo + wPEgesZooPO4 +wPMortZooPO4} <+tPExcrFiJv + tPExcrFiAd + tPEgesFishPO4 + tPMortFishPO4 +tPExcrPisc +tPEgesPiscPO4 + tPMortPiscPO4>
= (mineralisation – sorption + diffusion fromsediment) + resuspension [- algal uptake + algal excretion + part ofalgal mortality] <- macrophyte uptake from water + macrophyte excretionin water + part of macrophyte mortality> {+ zooplankton excretion andpart of egestion and mortality} <+ whitefish excretion and part of egestionand mortality + excretion and part of egestion and mortality >
7) adsorbed P in water [mgP/l/s]
dPAIMW = tPResusAIM – tPSetAIM(+wPSorpIMW)
= resuspension - settling(+ sorption)
8) ammonium in water [mgN/l/s]
dNH4W = (wNMinDetW - wNNitrW - tNDifNH4) + tNResusNH4 [- wNUptNH4Phyt + wNExcrPhytW +wNMortPhytNH4W] <– tNUptNH4VegW + tNExcrVegW + tNMortVegNH4W> {+wNExcrZoo + wNEgesZooNH4 +wNMortZooNH4 + tNExcrFiJv + tNExcrFiAd +tNEgesFishNH4 + tNMortFishNH4 + tNExcrPisc + tNEgesPiscNH4 + tNMortPiscNH4}
= (mineralisation – nitrification in water - diffusionfrom sediment) + resuspension [- algal uptake + algal excretion + part ofalgal mortality - macrophyte uptake from water] <+ macrophyte excretionin water + part of macrophyte mortality> {+ zooplankton excretion andpart of egestion and mortality} <+ whitefish excretion and part of egestionand mortality + excretion and part of egestion and mortality>
9) nitrate in water [mgN/l/s]
dNO3W = (wNNitrW - wNDenitW + tNDifNO3) +tNResusNO3 [- wNUptNO3Phyt] <- tNUptNO3VegW>
= (nitrification in water – denitrif. in water +diffusion from sediment) + resuspension [- algal uptake] <-macrophyte uptake>.
10) oxygen in water [mgO2/l/s]
dO2W = (tO2Aer - wO2MinDetW - wO2NitrW) (-tO2MinDetS + tO2NitrS) [+ wO2ProdPhyt - wO2RespPhytW +wO2UptNO3Phyt] <+tO2ProdVegW - tO2RespVegW + tO2UptNO3VegW>
=(reaeration - mineralisation – nitrification) (-sediment oxygen demand) [+algal production - algal respiration + nitrateuptake by algae] <+ macrophyte production - macrophyte respiration +nitrate uptake by macrophytes>
11)dissolved silicon dioxide in water [mgSi/ l/ s]
dSiO2W= (wSiMinDetW) (+ (1.0 - fRefrDetS) * tSiMinDetS) [- wSiUptDiat + wSiExcrDiatW][+ tSiExcrDiatS]
=(mineralisation in water) (+ mineralisation in sediment) [– diatoms uptake +diatoms excretion in water] [+ diatoms excretion in sed.]
12)sediment inorg. matter [gD/m2/s]
dDIMS = tDSetIM - tDResusIM –tDBurIM+uDErosIMS
= settling – resuspension –burial+erosion
13) sediment detritus [gD/m2/s]
dDDetS = tDSetDet – tDResusDet -tDBurDet(- tDMinDetS)[+ tDMortPhytS]<+tDMortVegS>{- tDConsDetBent + tDEgesBent + tDMortBent}
14) sediment detritus P [gP/m2/s]
dPDetS = tPSetDet - tPResusDet -tPBurDet(- tPMinDetS)[+ tPMortPhytDetS]<+tPMortVegDetS>{- tPConsDetBent + tPEgesBent + tPMortBent}
15) sediment detritus N [gN/m2/s]
dNDetS = tNSetDet - tNResusDet - tNBurDet(- tNMinDetS)[+ tNMortPhytDetS]<+ tNMortVegDetS>{-tNConsDetBent + tNEgesBent + tNMortBent}
= settling – resuspension -burial(- mineralisation)[+ sed. algal mortality]<+macrophytemortality in sed>{– zoobenthos detritus consumption + zoobenthosegestion and mortality}
16) sediment detritus Si [gSi/m2/s]
dSiDetS = tSiSetDet - tSiResusDet -tSiBurDet(- tSiMinDetS)[+ tSiMortDiatS]{+tSiConsDiatBent}
= settling – resuspension -burial(- mineralisation)[+ sed.diatoms mortality]{–zoobenthosdiatoms consumption}
17) phosphate in pore water [gP/m2/s]
dPO4S = (tPMinDetS* (1.0-fRefrDetS) – tPSorpIMS - tPDifPO4 - tPChemPO4) - tPResusPO4 - tPBurPO4 [+ tPExcrPhytS + tPMortPhytPO4S]<- tPUptVegS + tPExcrVegS+ tPMortVegPO4S>{+ tPExcrBent +tPEgesBentPO4 + tPMortBentPO4 }
=( detritus and humus mineralisation – sorption -diffusion to/from water - immobilisation)– resuspension - burial [+excretion and part of mortality of sed.algae]<- macrophyte uptake from sediment +macrophyte excretion in sediment +part of macrophyte mortality>{+ excretion and part of egestion andmortality of zoobenthos}
18) adsorbed P in sediment [gP/m2/s]
dPAIMS = tPSetAIM - tPResusAIM -tPBurAIM(+ tPSorpIMS)
= (sorption )+settling – resuspension – burial
19) pore water ammonium [gN/m2/s]
dNH4S =( tNMinDetS *(1.0-fRefrDetS) - tNDifNH4-tNNitrS)-tNResusNH4- tNBurNH4[+ tNExcrPhytS +tNMortPhytNH4S -tNUptNH4VegS]<+ tNExcrVegS + tNMortVegNH4S>{+ tNExcrBent+tNEgesBentNH4 + tNMortBentNH4}
= (detritus and humus mineralisation - diffusionto/from water-nitrification in sediment)–resuspension - burial[+excretion and part of mortality of sed. algae]<- macrophyteuptake from sediment + macrophyte excretion in sediment + part of macrophytemortality>{+ excretion and part of egestion and mortality ofzoobenthos}
20) pore water nitrate [gN/m2/s]
dNO3S =( tNNitrS - tNDenitS - tNDifNO3)- tNResusNO3 - tNBurNO3<- tNUptNO3VegS>
= (nitrification in sed. - denitrification in sed.- diffusion to/from water) – resuspension - burial<- macrophyte uptake fromsediment>
21) Sediment humus [gD /m2 /s]
dDHumS=uDErosOM - tDBurHum(+ fRefrDetS * tDMinDetS –tDMinHumS)
22) Sediment humus [gN /m2 /s]
dNHumS= uNErosOM - tNBurHum + (fRefrDetS * NDMinDetS –tNMinHumS)
23) Sediment humus [gP /m2 /s]
dPHumS= uPErosOM - tPBurHum(+ fRefrDetS * tPMinDetS –tPMinHumS)
= erosion – burial(+humification– mineralisation)
24)diatom dry weight in water column [mgD/l/s]
dDDiatW = [wDAssDiat - wDRespDiatW – wDMortDiatW] - tDSetDiat + tDResusDiat {- wDConsDiatZoo}
25) green algae dry weight in water column [mgD/l /s]
dDGrenW = [wDAssGren - wDRespGrenW – wDMortGrenW] - tDSetGren + tDResusGren {- wDConsGrenZoo}
26) cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) dry weight inwater column [mgD/l /s]
dDBlueW = [wDAssBlue - wDRespBlueW – wDMortBlueW] - tDSetBlue + tDResusBlue {- wDConsBlueZoo}
= [production - respiration – mortality] – settling + resuspension {– grazing}
27) diatom P in water column [mgP/l /s]
dPDiatW = [wPUptDiat - wPExcrDiatW – wPMortDiatW] - tPSetDiat + tPResusDiat – wPConsDiatZoo}
28) green algae P in water column [mgP/l /s]
dPGrenW = [wPUptGren - wPExcrGrenW – wPMortGrenW] - tPSetGren + tPResusGren {- wPConsGrenZoo}
29) cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) P in water column[mgP/l /s]
dPBlueW = [wPUptBlue - wPExcrBlueW – wPMortBlueW] - tPSetBlue + tPResusBlue {- wPConsBlueZoo}
= [uptake – excretion – mortality] – settling + resuspension {– grazing }
30) diatom N in water column [mgN/l /s]
dNDiatW = [wNUptDiat - wNExcrDiatW – wNMortDiatW] - tNSetDiat + tNResusDiat {- wNConsDiatZoo}
31) green algae N in water column [mgN/l /s]
dNGrenW = [wNUptGren - wNExcrGrenW – wNMortGrenW] - tNSetGren + tNResusGren {- wNConsGrenZoo}
32) cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) N in water column[mgN/l /s]
dNBlueW = [wNUptBlue - wNExcrBlueW – wNMortBlueW] - tNSetBlue + tNResusBlue {- wNConsBlueZoo}
= [uptake – excretion – mortality] – settling + resuspension {– grazing}
33)sediment diatom dry weight [gD/m2/s]
dDDiatS =tDSetDiat - tDResusDiat[– tDMortDiatS – tDRespDiatS] {- tDConsDiatBent}
34) sediment green algae dry weight [gD/m2/s]
dDGrenS= tDSetGren - tDResusGren[– tDMortGrenS – tDRespGrenS] {–tDConsGrenBent}
35) sediment cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) dryweight [gD/m2/s]
dDBlueS = tDSetBlue - tDResusBlue[– tDMortBlueS – tDRespBlueS] {– tDConsBlueBent}
= settling – resuspension[– mortality – respiration] {– zoobenthos consumption}
36) sediment diatom phosphorus [gP/m2/s]
dPDiatS = tPSetDiat - tPResusDiat[– tPMortDiatS – tPExcrDiatS] {- tPConsDiatBent}
37) sediment green algae phosphorus [gP/m2/s]
dPGrenS = tPSetGren - tPResusGren[– tPMortGrenS – tPExcrGrenS] {- tPConsGrenBent}
38) sediment cyanobacteria (blue-green algae)phosphorus [gP/m2/s]
dPBlueS = tPSetBlue - tPResusBlue[– tPMortBlueS – tPExcrBlueS] {– tPConsBlueBent}
= settling – resuspension[– mortality – excretion] {– zoobenthos consumption}
39) sediment diatom nitrogen [gN/m2/s]
dNDiatS = tNSetDiat - tNResusDiat[– tNMortDiatS – tNExcrDiatS] {- tNConsDiatBent}
40) sediment green algae nitrogen [gN/m2/s]
dNGrenS = tNSetGren - tNResusGren[– tNMortGrenS – tNExcrGrenS] {- tNConsGrenBent}
41) sediment cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) nitrogen[gN/m2/s]
dNBlueS = tNSetBlue - tNResusBlue – tNMortBlueS -tNExcrBlueS – tNConsBlueBent
= settling – resuspension[– mortality –excretion] {– zoobenthos consumption}
42)macrophytes dry weight [gD/m2/s]
dDVeg = <tDProdVeg - tDRespVeg - tDMortVeg +tDMigrVeg>
= <production - respiration - mortality +migrationz>
43) macrophytes phosphorus [gP/m2/s]
dPVeg = <tPUptVeg - tPExcrVeg - tPMortVeg +tPMigrVeg>
= <uptake – excretion - mortality +migration>
44) macrophytes nitrogen [gN/m2/s]
dNVeg = <tNUptVeg - tNExcrVeg - tNMortVeg +tNMigrVeg>
= <uptake – excretion - mortality +migration>
45)zooplankton dry weight [mgD/l/s]
dDZoo ={wDAssZoo - wDRespZoo – wDMortZoo} <–tDConsFiJv>
= {assimilation - respiration – mortality} <– fishpredation>
46) zooplankton phosphorus [mgP/l/s]
dPZoo = {wPAssZoo - wPExcrZoo – wPMortZoo} <–tPConsFiJv>
= {assimilation- excretion – mortality} <– fish predation>
47) zooplankton phosphorus [mgN/l/s]
dNZoo = {wNAssZoo - wNExcrZoo - wNMortZoo –tNConsFiJv}
= {assimilation - excretion – mortality} <– fishpredation>
48)juvenile whitefish dry weight[mgD/l/s]
dDFiJv = <tDMigrFiJv + tDReprFish - tDAgeFish +tDAssFiJv - tDRespFiJv - tDMortFiJv – tDConsFiJvPisc>
49) juvenile whitefish phosphorus [mgP/l/s]
dPFiJv = <tPMigrFiJv + tPReprFish - tPAgeFish +tPAssFiJv - tPRespFiJv - tPMortFiJv – tPConsFiJvPisc>
50) juvenile whitefish nitrogen [mgN/l/s]
dDFiJv = <tDMigrFiJv + tDReprFish - tDAgeFish +tDAssFiJv - tDRespFiJv - tDMortFiJv – tDConsFiJvPisc>
= <migration + reproduction – ageing + assimilation- respiration – mortality –predation>
51) adult whitefish dry weight[mgD/l/s]
dDFiAd = <tDMigrFiAd - tDReprFish + tDAgeFish -tDRespFiAd – tDMortFiAd - tDConsFiAdPisc – tDHarvFish> {+ tDAssFiAd}
52) adult whitefish phosphorus [mgP/l/s]
dPFiAd =<{tPMigrFiAd - tPReprFish + tPAgeFish -tPRespFiAd – tPMortFiAd – tPConsFiAdPisc> {+ tPAssFiAd}
53) adult whitefish nitrogen [mgN/l/s]
dNFiAd = <tNMigrFiAd - tNReprFish + tNAgeFish -tNRespFiAd – tNMortFiAd – tNConsFiAdPisc> {+ tNAssFiAd}
= <migration - reproduction + ageing - respiration– mortality – predation> {+assimilation}
54) piscivorous fish dry weight[mgD/l/s]
dDPisc = <tDMigrPisc+ tDAssPisc - tDRespPisc – tDMortPisc>
= <migration + assimilation - respiration –mortality >
55) zoobenthosdry weight[gD/m2/s]
dDBent = {tDMigrBent + tDAssBent - tDRespBent –tDMortBent - tDConsFiAd}
56) zoobenthos phosphorus[gP/m2/s]
dPBent = {tPMigrBent + tPAssBent - tPRespBent –tPMortBent - tPConsFiAd}
57) zoobenthos nitrogen[gN/m2/s]
dNBent = {tNMigrBent + tNAssBent - tNRespBent –tNMortBent - tNConsFiAd}
= {migration + assimilation - respiration –mortality – fish predation}